Monday, August 9, 2010

11 tools reflection

My favorite tool has to be tool 8, video resources. I might be able to use this in my classroom after any musicals, concerts or productions. Since I am a music teacher and not a regular classroom teacher, I am not sure how I am going to use some of the actual internet training in my classroom yet, but i am sure that i will figure out some way of doing so. As for being surprised by any of the outcomes of the 11 tools program, I was not. Most of this can be done by most kids with a myspace or facebook. I guess that I am most impressed with the school district wanting to teach the technology needed for the future development of education.

Tool 11

The three things that I think are important to the furthering of education and digital citizenship are first, digital literacy. Digital literacy is the way of the future. We as early childhood educators can set a foundation of digital literacy which our students will use for years to come. Second would be proper etiquette while on the Internet. As teachers, we are responsible for educating our students in proper when doing anything that we teach. And finally, Internet safety. Proper ways to search should be taught and private information should not be given out.